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Welcome to our tech news roundup – this is the place where we keep you up to date on the latest technology happenings, cybersecurity news, and more. Here’s what’s going on in the tech world today:

air india airindia ransomware cyberattack

Air India suffers a cyber-attack

Air India is the latest airline to fall victim to a cyber-attack. This follows the trend that came to light a few months ago where organisations within the Star Alliance network were affected by the conglomerate's huge data breach.  In that situation, it was revealed that info registered in Star Alliance's networks between August 2011 and February 2021 had been compromised. Air India is also part of the Star Alliance network, and while the airline has assured customers that their credit card details are safe, passport and ticket information were compromised. Read more here.

fbi hse ireland wizard spider

Wizard Spider are at it again

Fresh off their attack on Ireland's HSE - a situation that's still affecting hospitals up and down the country - Wizard Spider are now trying to make it big in America. Taking a leaf out of One Direction and pop icon Cher Lloyd's book, the hacking group have managed to infiltrate and then infect critical health and emergency service networks in the US. The FBI found that Wizard Spider are the culprits behind ransomware attacks on at least American 16 medical and first response networks so far. Read more here.

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