At Secarma, our experts pride themselves on their up to date certifications. Business security and compliance are of top importance to us, hence why we have achieved these accreditations. Read on for a full list.

Secarma currently maintains a
Cyber Essentials Plus Certification. This is a government-backed scheme where organisations pledge to guard against online threats and demonstrate a strong commitment to cybersecurity. As a cybersecurity company, it's a no-brainer.

Secarma is a member of
CREST (Council of Registered Ethical Security Providers), a not-for-profit organisation that provides demonstrable assurance of the processes and procedures of its members – organisations within the technical information security industry.

Our management systems, policies and processes have been certified against
ISO 9001:2015 standards.

We are certified against
ISO 27001, the worldwide standard in effective information security management.

For more information about our experts and their accreditations, head over to our
contact page and get in touch with a member of our dedicated team. They'll be more than happy to talk you through our different certifications, why they're important, and why your data is safe with us.

Secarma is a member of IoTSF
https://iotsecurityfoundation.org/ (Internet of Things Security Foundation), a not-for-profit global membership association that is working to make the connected world ever-more secure.