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This is the first post in a series about my talk "hacking with Git" which was delivered at BSides...
This is release two of three tools from my talk "Hacking with git" which I delivered at Glasgow...
This is release three of three tools from my talk "Hacking with git" which I delivered at Glasgow...
This is post number two of four dealing with the aftermath of my BSides Glasgow talk. The slides...
At the beginning of June, fellow researchers from Secarma published a review of released...
In the first article of this series, we provided an in-depth analysis of the Mole02 Ransomware. In...
Mole02, alleged to be a variant of the CryptoMix Ransomware family, first emerged in June 2017....
TL;DR ChunkyTuna is a web shell that allows near direct access to either the STDIO streams of an...
In a recent blog post, I showed how to get Netbeans GUI designer into your Burp Extender building....
When we heard that BSides Glasgow was ending without a CTF, or an arranged after party, we asked if...
I gave a talk at the local Glasgow Defcon in December 2017. The slides are available here:...
Welcome to Friday’s news overview, here’s where we keep you up to date on the latest technology...
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