Hacking with GIT: The Video

This is the first post in a series about my talk "hacking with Git" which was delivered at BSides Sc...

Data protection

Hacking with GIT: GIT-ENUM Metasploit Module Release

This is release two of three tools from my talk "Hacking with git" which I delivered at Glasgow BSid...

Hacking with GIT: GIT-SHELL Proof of Concept

This is release three of three tools from my talk "Hacking with git" which I delivered at Glasgow BS...

Hacking with GIT: GIT-Fingerprint Tool Release

This is post number two of four dealing with the aftermath of my BSides Glasgow talk. The slides and...

EXPLODINGCAN: A Vulnerability Review

At the beginning of June, fellow researchers from Secarma published a review of released “Equation...

Decrypting MOLE02 Part Two – Universal Decryption Tool

In the first article [1] of this series, we provided an in-depth analysis of the Mole02 Ransomware. ...

Decrypting MOLE02 Part One – Malware Profile

Mole02, alleged to be a variant of the CryptoMix Ransomware family, first emerged in June 2017. ...

CHUNKYTUNA – A Web Shell Evolved

TL;DR ChunkyTuna is a web shell that allows near direct access to either the STDIO streams of an arb...


In a recent blog post, I showed how to get Netbeans GUI designer into your Burp Extender building. N...


When we heard that BSides Glasgow was ending without a CTF, or an arranged after party, we asked if ...

A Bit About Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)

I gave a talk at the local Glasgow Defcon in December 2017. The slides are available here: http...