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We are delighted to be sponsoring the Best Cyber Breakthrough Award at the Scottish Cyber Awards 2018! This flagship event will recognise Cyber Security innovators, pioneers and leaders and will bring Scottish cyber community together to celebrate its achievements for the third time.

First held in 2016, the awards has become one of the most influential nights in the Scottish cyber calendar. As the event is growing every year it is becoming more significant for the winners and finalists, leading to increased investment, new opportunities and plaudits for those successful.

We’re delighted to be sponsoring the Best Cyber Breakthrough Award which will recognise a product or service that has excelled all expectations and has enhanced the cyber security of Scotland.

The shortlist for Best Cyber Breakthrough has now been announced

The awards night will be held on the 28th of November at the Sheraton Hotel in Edinburgh and is organised by the Scottish Business Resilience Centre with a purpose of recognising cyber security excellence in Scotland.



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