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Earlier this month we had the pleasure of exhibiting at the National Cyber Security Show and hosting our evening event - UnLocked: Birmingham. Here's an overview of our experiences:

Being our first in-person event after the lifting of restrictions in the UK, we were extremely excited to meet everyone face to face again and talk cybersecurity. We had a great time networking, meeting new people, and hosting our very own evening event - all at Birmingham's NEC.


Making Connections

The National Cyber Security Show brought together cybersecurity experts and SMEs looking to bolster their business’ security through 3 days of exhibitions, networking, and talks. Exhibiting at such a huge show with members of our technical, sales, and marketing departments was a great opportunity for Secarma. We enjoyed being able to finally mingle with our partners - after only collaborating with them via Teams for quite some time, as well as forming new connections with other members of the cybersecurity industry.

Not only did we find value in the numerous networking opportunities available, but we also met with many young people – from security cadets to students – and hopefully helped to encourage the next generation to delve into cyber security.

"The NCSS was Secarma's first venture into in-person events since before the pandemic, and it's safe to say that it was a lively one. There was a strong showcase of different security vendors there, as well as some really insightful talks that I had the pleasure of sitting in on throughout day 2. As a northern based business, we were keen to get involved in a large-scale conference that drew attention to cybersecurity outside of London. Overall, it was a really successful event and we're looking forward to interacting with Birmingham's security community again soon."

- Ben Armstrong, Sales Director at Secarma

Hacking for SMEs

Our Managing Director: Holly Grace Williams, gave a talk on the 2nd day of the NCSS convention titled ‘Hacking for SMEs’. The turnout was impressive, and the audience seemed thoroughly interested in Holly Grace’s thoughts, experiences, and the basics of penetration testing.

UnLocked: Birmingham

On the evening of the 2nd day of the convention, our team hosted UnLocked: Birmingham. This featured thought leadership talks, cyber security demos, plenty of networking opportunities, and free food and drinks. We were delighted to see the positive reactions to the talks, and we loved hearing from the various industry leaders about their approaches to cybersecurity.

Our very own Holly Grace Williams was joined by  IntaForensics' Principal Incident Response Specialist: Philip Ridley,  as well as Rob Demain, the CEO & Founder of e2e-assure, plus Harold Groothedde, CEO and Co-Founder of ITEXACT.

Head to our events page to have a look at what we have lined up for the remainder of 2021, including the International Cyber Expo and UnLocked: London Olympia later this month!


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